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To maintain system performance HYDAC recommends that the gas precharge pressure is checked regularly. The inevitable loss of gas precharge pressure due to permeability will change the system effectiveness (performance) and could cause damage to the bladder, diaphragm, or piston accumulator.
HYDAC charging and gauging units allow hydro-pneumatic accumulators to be precharged with dry nitrogen. For these purposes, a charging and gauging unit is connected to a commercially available nitrogen bottle via a flexible charging hose.
These units also allow maintenance personnel to check the current gas precharge pressure of an accumulator. For critical systems, consider the use of a permanent gauging block which will provide for continuous monitoring.
Unit of Measure
1 2 3 

Part Number

Model Code Description

Connection Type

Adapter Type

Hose Length

Core Products

3195556 N/A Adapter G12 FPU - G3/4 Assy. (Australia) N/A G12 N/A G12 N/A
2103421 N/A Adapter G3 N/A G3 N/A G3 N/A
236373 N/A Adapter G5 N/A G5 N/A G5 N/A
2103423 N/A Adapter G6 N/A G6 N/A G6 N/A
236377 N/A Adapter G7 N/A G7 N/A G7 N/A
2103425 N/A Adapter G8 N/A G8 N/A G8 N/A
241168 N/A Adapter G9 N/A G9 N/A G9 N/A
2086622 N/A Hose Assembly FPO 210 (CGA 580) N/A N/A N/A
2701621 N/A Hose FPO 3000 PSI 3M N/A N/A N/A 3 m
2115552 N/A Hose FPS/FPK 15M N/A G1 N/A N/A 15 m
236514 N/A Hose FPS/FPK 2.5M N/A G1 N/A N/A 2.5 m
3117720 N/A Hose FPS/FPK 10M 5500 PSI W/G4.1 N/A G1 N/A N/A 10.0 m
3053703 N/A Hose FPS/FPK 2.5M 5500 PSI W/ G4.1 N/A G1 N/A N/A 2.5 m
2109765 N/A Hose FPS/FPK 20M N/A G1 N/A N/A 20 m
2109574 N/A Hose FPS/FPK 28M N/A G1 N/A N/A 28 m
3053704 N/A Hose FPS/FPK 4M 5500 PSI with G4.1 CONN. N/A G4.1 N/A N/A 4 m
3269153 N/A Seal Kit for Adapter A1 – A13 N/A N/A N/A
2117669 N/A Seal Kit FPU-1 N/A N/A N/A
3051104 N/A Screw for A3 Adapter N/A N/A N/A
606759 N/A Pressure Gauge E63/10/145 PSI N/A N/A N/A
606761 N/A Pressure Gauge E63/100/1400PSI N/A N/A N/A
606760 N/A Pressure Gauge E63/25/350 PSI N/A N/A N/A
606762 N/A Pressure Gauge E63/250/3600PSI N/A N/A N/A
606763 N/A Pressure Gauge E63/400/5800PSI N/A N/A N/A
2701741 N/A GAS VALVE EXTENSION 3000 PSI (S11 T/R) N/A N/A N/A
Unit of Measure
1 2 3