(13)Electronic cables and connectors for transducers and switches such as M12 connector, M18 Binder connector and DIN 43650 connector./Asset/ElecAccCables_Conn_group_1.jpg
(10)Mounting accessories for EDS 3000, ETS 3000, ENS 3000 and HNS 3000 such as clamp style or weld style mounts. Adapters for the ENS 3000 series and cover shield for the EDS 3000, ETS 3000, ENS 3000 and HNS 3000./Asset/MountingAccEDS_group.jpg
(14)Various adapters to get you to the correct fitting such as BSPP, NPT and SAE threads. Snubbers also available which helps protect against pressure spikes./Asset/MechanicalAcc_group.jpg
(12)Accessories for the HMG Diagnostic devices which are electrical cables, cases, mechanical adapters, RPM sensor, and chargers./Asset/HMGAcc_group.jpg
(3)HPG 3000 programmer for programming EDS 4000 pressure switches. UVM 3000 connection module is recommended for programming hazardous EDS 4000 with leads to make connection easier./Asset/EDS4000ProgAcc_group.jpg